Lately I’ve been on this leadership kick. It’s been a lot of
fun learning more about this topic and trying to apply it. God has really been
teaching me much and he’s been doing it through some great resources. I’ve
been so excited about these resources and things I’m learning that I thought I
better share it with someone! So here it is, if you are a leader (and all of us
are at some level) then I encourage you to check these out:
Andy Stanley’s Leadership Podcast: He only posts one a month
but as a friend of mine described them, they are “pure gold”.
Follow Tony Morgan on twitter: @tonymorganlive or his
Tony posts a lot of really short articles and blogs with great
leadership advice. Often his main ideas are short and concise bullet points. They
are easy to understand and solid. He has a short book called “The Leisure Suit”
that I highly recommend.
Catalyst Podcast – Sometimes I fast forward to the interviews,
but I’ve really enjoyed listening to great leaders and forward thinkers talk
about what they have done. Not all of the things they do will work for you, but
let their though process and strategic poise rub off.
Ravi Zacharias Podcasts: Let My People Think and Just Thinking Not leadership podcasts but great
stuff on apologetics and I’ve found that his solid logic and reasoning skills
are actually really important for leaders, so let the way he thinks rub off on
Well that’s pretty much it for now. What resources have you
found helpful in the things you are learning?
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